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Sunday, September 5, 2010


Picture by: MOGOLLAN  ©Copyright, MOGOLLAN EMPIRE 2010, All Rights Reserved

Manhattan, NY.- Judy Torres, the Newyorican "Queen of freestyle" has released a video for her interpretation of 'Stay', the song originally written by Jenniffer Nettles of the sugarland music group. "Stay" is a song from the perspective of 'the other woman'. "She's not just a homewrecker trying to destroy something", said Judy Torres during the release party of the 'Stay' video, "Sometimes she has a fragile low self esteem and settles for less and we wanted to show the video through her eyes and even included a storyline", added Miss Torres, who told the attendees of the party that last year, during the "Promo only summer sessions", she shared the panel with Lady Gaga, who said "Visual is everything" for today's artist and it simply "stuck with me".

Picture by: MOGOLLAN  ©Copyright, MOGOLLAN EMPIRE 2010, All Rights Reserved
(Left to right)  Alyssa Codamon was in charge of shooting the 'behind the scenes'
 of the "Stay" music video, directed by David Miskin and produced by Terence Osborne .

Picture by: MOGOLLAN  ©Copyright, MOGOLLAN EMPIRE 2010, All Rights Reserved
Arlene Katai partied with her boyfriend Waseem Khawaja
who plays the lead male role in the "Stay" video.

Picture by: MOGOLLAN  ©Copyright, MOGOLLAN EMPIRE 2010, All Rights Reserved
Judy Torres delighted her fans at the release party with the song "Stay".

Picture by: MOGOLLAN ©Copyright, MOGOLLAN EMPIRE 2010, All Rights Reserved
Singer J.Antonette attended Judy Torres' release video party.

Picture by: MOGOLLAN ©Copyright, MOGOLLAN EMPIRE 2010, All Rights Reserved
Who are these sexy girls?... who else, they are singers Michelle Barone and Danielle Miller
Picture by: MOGOLLAN  ©Copyright, MOGOLLAN EMPIRE 2010, All Rights Reserved
Another important guest invited to Judy Torres' video release party was
Michelle DeAngelis, whose song "Not like it was before" is being featured on blgradio.

Picture by: MOGOLLAN ©Copyright, MOGOLLAN EMPIRE 2010, All Rights Reserved
DJ Ryko Bleunt mixes were a significant element in the event produced by Luis Loca.

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